Monday, August 16, 2010

Pimple & Pimple Scar Busters

For about 2 years I've been on the look-out for a good product that will not just remove pimples & pimple scars, but also prevent the outbreak of blackheads & whiteheads. Some products would remove the pimples & the scars but then they're either too heavy or too harsh. They end up leaving the skin with whiteheads, which are honestly not a sight to behold, and blackheads, which you have to go to the dermatologist or a facialist to get removed. I think both are caused by the overproduction of sebum

Monday, August 2, 2010


I've always depended on someone my whole life. In my early academic life, I had my parents help me with homework. In college, I had my friends and blockmates to count on whenever I was lost in the lessons. In my personal life, I always depended on a close confidante or a boyfriend to neutralize my emotional outbursts. 

After dedicating a year to self-discovery, I've learned the tip of what it means to be independent.