Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Magic: Airports

I was sitting in our team's weekly meeting when a discussion on a promo we have as a tie-up with an airline sent me in a daze. All I needed to hear was the word airline to give my mind permission to wander off.

I miss the airport-the spacious lounges, the yellow lights at night, the glossy granite floors, the extremely tall ceilings, the beautiful tie-in of silver and metal columns with the interiors.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Sugar: Words of Wisdom

Today was a celebration of sorts for the kids at our Sunday School. Some of the kids were "moving-up" to a higher level and a special program was prepared for them. Part of the program was a message delivered by yours truly. I was invited to share a few of my stories since I grew up in Sunday School and am now a teacher.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Picture or A Thousand Words?

Nowadays, we're bombarded with visuals that make it so tempting for me to try. Especially with the availability of digital technology, it's hard to resist the invite. 
Let me explain what I mean... You see, I've always wanted to make this a photo blog, but it didn't turn out that way.