Since my parents facilitated the Christian Life Skills seminar, I’ve had a few people tell me it must be good training being raised by my parents. So it occurred to me that it might be nice to share a couple things my parents share over the dinner table.
The whole family usually gathers together for dinner. Afterwards, we don’t really “catch up” per se. It’s more of an exchange of ideas on life, politics, religion and issues. It’s been like this as far back as I can remember. Since both my parents used to work and my brothers & I had to leave early morning for school, dinner was the only time our schedules would coincide. Although things have changed since I graduated, our dinner routine has stayed the same.
They manage to slip in life lessons in every conversation we have. Here are some of the things we talk about:
· On finding yourself.
o There’s always something changing about who you are, so you might as well decide on a direction you want to go.
· Read on Ideas instead of Lives (The way great people think)
o Lives of Celebrities or Royalties can distort your reality and hinder you from living a full life.
o Good Reads:
- The Worldly Philosophers
- Helen Keller
- The Arms of Krupp (Germany's Wealthy Empire)
· Several Generations of Wealth
· World War I Military Weapons Manufacturer
· Supplied for Hitler
- Trump – on how he thinks
· Where You Identify Yourself in Society, in subcultures & under different norms
o Study what's acceptable and if you want to stray from that be sure it's deliberate and not because you're stupid or ignorant.
· Friends vs. Allies
o High School friends are lifelong.
o Officemates are mostly allies.
o You shouldn't feel disappointed that what you’ll find in the office are allies and not friends.
o Friends in the office are rare gems.
· Trust
o It’s something earned.
o Knowing who to trust, you have to base it on track record
- 3 Kinds of People
· Consistent
· Inconsistent
· Not trustworthy at all
After having this conversation, I realize I am blessed to have been raised by parents who are knowledgeable on these matters.
Hanggang sa muli!
there's a LOT of wisdom to be gleaned here! you are blessed! :)